Wednesday, October 28, 2009

September 6th 2009

Journal entry from... September 6th 2009

God damn it! I'm so in love with Jon.
He is the single, most passionate person, who arrouses me beyond comprehension with just a sound. I have seen his body and I love it. I adore him. He's mine. And even though I know not how long it will be until we can finally relish in eachother's company, I'm more than ready to wait. To wait for him.

that emptiness that I've been feeling is only relieved until I need arms around me. I love him and I miss his voice.

Months is a definite. Years? Possible. He said it'd be ess than one.. followed by a ''god, don't make me a liar''. wouldn't dream of it! I hope we can do this.

Don't let the past repeat itself and don't let our hearts or eyes wander. For our sanity and our hearts' sakes.

And when we do come together, please, for all the wellness in the world, I can't part from him.

Life got in the way, We shold have been together forever ago.
He has had 3, I just one. Lover's damaged and ourselves wrecked. He won't get that from me.
Please, don't let me bore another lover.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

September 5th 2009

Journal entry from... September 5th 2009

Andrew's second to last message from last night reads:
"I guess I'm over trying to be with you.."


I don't know what to say. I feel like I broke him. Andrew and I still share an immense closeness and openness. It's a damn shae that it just didn't feel right. I wonder if we really could have changed and been perfect, everlasting. For me, it's too much. Waiting hurts. the cost of trying to visit eachother is so much and we're both going to be students.

He told me last night that I will always have a special place in his heart.

So sweet. It's the same for me. I love him. He's an amazing guy with really great things happening for him. I wish it would have gone differently.

But mybe I'm suppose to be with Jon.
We're a mess and is like being on a rollercoaster.
I wonder if it'll always be like this.
I can barely handle it right now. x.x
We aren't together even. I won't call him officially mine until Rachael is out of the picture.

Can't believe he's Fuckin' married. rrrrrrgghh.

Love, Toma

Monday, October 19, 2009

August 27th 2009

Journal entry from... August 27th 2009

It would be wrong to say that Andrew and I have decided to just be friends right now, because I ave decided that. He keeps telling me how he doesn't see what's changed, but I feel it.

And no, this doesn't mean that I've chosen to be with Jon.

But the good thing about this is that I can explore my options. I'm not looking to ''see what's next''. I still feel like this isn't the end for Andrew and I.

I told both of them that if a girl comes around and wants to be with one of them that they shouldn't think twice, they should go.

Jon's response: "I can't do that, Netoma."
Andy's reponse: "I don't want to be with anyone, but you."

I love them both very much. I think this is the best thing to do right now.

Freedom. Spreak my wings. In time, I'll see and I'll realize who is really here for me, too.
So far, they're both very close still. I know I was afraid of Andrew never speaking to me again, but he's offered to ''take me back'' if that's what I choose.

So, I'm really happy about everything kind of. I feel resolution even though I sene adventure in the near future.

Journal entry from... August 28th 2009

If life is blank pages, I want to fill he with you.
Handwritten pages of bright sun and a sky of blue.
I want fairytales and fluffy, perfect nimbulus clouds.
Stand toe to toe with the depths of the Grand Canyon.
And you know that little heart I draw above my nail?
It's yours.

I will send all mylove to you in spirit. Each pen stroke is my heart bleeding out.

Half way aroundthe country...
.. or half way around the world...

I'll get to you.

Love me do.
Love me don't.

I love you blushes. And flutters of eyelashes long your cheeks. Kiss my eyes, lay me down.
Warm shudders.

Andrew and Jon are both so pretective of me. It's kinda ridiculous. Neither of them is any less in love with me. Especially not Andrew, surprisingly.
Jon has so much life going on right now. He's still with Rachael, even. Says it's going to end no matter what. I just woner why it hasn't ended already... does he have honest intentions. Wouldn't seem that way to me. So he can hurt and beg and be all feauxcocky, I'm just going to continue to listen to his ''I love you''s and try and be happy.

Journal entry from... August 29th 2009

Andrew and I seem alot more comfortable this way. No pressure, but I do still feel hi hold on me.
We 'made love' yesterday. Like madness, it was the most amazing thing. Weird that we could connect like that considering the circumstances.

There's tension between Jon and I. I guess he assumed that since I broke up with Andrew, I'm ready to commit to him which is not the case.
Yes, I love him and I want to hae a serious relatipnship with hm, move in, do that whole thing, but I'm not ready to jump into something like that. Andrew has hurt e. I've learned so much about myself and about not going about males. He promises that what happnned between Andy and I won't happen again. I'm still very wary.

I will altleast wait until Jon gets free of Rachael's death grip on him. bitch.

Beginning a relationship with Jon is pretty much an end-all with Andrew. Andy has changed so much for me and so has Jon. Sure, Jon doesn't know me like Andrew does, but I think that my soul really needs what Jon is for me. He is new, he's therapeutic. He has experienced life in a way that neither Andy and I have. That makes me very comfortable with him. Makes me feel secure, too.

Can't wait to feel the way he kisses and holds me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

August 25th 2009

Journal entry from.. August 25th 2009

Jon is back. He's back! He's back...

Itold him. I told him that I was going to be with you. His last text reads:
"Tears don't fall, they crash around me."
I hope he has found silence in his sorrow. That he can sleep and dream of better places.

I don't know where tonight will take us. He said he's call tomorrow. We have things to discuss, he said.

He's probably crying buckets.
Tears all for me. Tears for my loss. Have I died?
No, I'm living!

Andrew is my love, he's my heart, he's my future.
I want to see those hills again and that ocean. I ant him to hold me and kiss me like he never did.

I feel great loss and great sorrow, but with Jon, it's not a new feeling. And I am so tired of feeling it. So tired of never knowing.
I love him. He may well be my oldest and dearest friend, but I can't count on him to be what I want and what I need.

Love, Toma.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

August 24th 2009

Journal entry from... August 24th 2009

I looked myself in the mirror. Speak to Jon, my voice cracked as I muttered the words...

"Why did you leave me?"

And while I imagine his responses, I swallow my sorrow.

Andrew and I have fallen in love again.
After Yvan described in great detail last night how he would have enjoyed bending me over that table in Starbucks and fucked my brains out.
I felt numb to it.

Jon left me and I fell in love with Andrew all over again. I've been wet half the day as ANdrew asks all kinds of questions about our future and how I would like him to finger me on the sofa and nibble my earlobes. so perfect. Everything we talk about like that is so perfect.

So, I hate how it wasn't like that at all in real life. Will it be next time?
Am I going to plan and wait and hold out for the next ten years for disappointment.
To be taken advantage of again?

No way of knowing.

i just know that Jon left.
And i fell in love with Andrew all over again.